Friday, January 28, 2011

The Dark Pearl

The Dark Pearl. That is what I have come to name my first entry into Spectrum. I spent long nights painting, sent e-mails asking for critiques, and even barely finished at the last minute, printing and sending my submission at 4:45 from the Post Office. Whew.

Unless specifically for a gallery, I will not do another piece this large for a long time methinks. It is an insane challenge to photograph and put together digitally, and even now I am unhappy with certain inconsistencies compared to the actual image.

Tell me what you think, good and bad. On to the next thing!


Unknown said...

Man David this piece is sweeeet! You are really becoming a wizard with oils, I'm inspired by this and that's the truth. As for being satisfied with your work, I think that is like trying to achieve world peace, it ain't gonna happen because somebody is always gonna be ticked off at somebody else. So the same can be said for satisfaction in our own work, there is always one small detail that we could fix to make it perfect if such a thing even exists. Pat yourself on the back for just getting the thing done brotha because some people don't even get that far. In the mean time keep cranking out that oh so sweet sweet artwork. Happy painting bro, Peace!
Denaro Taylor

Rob Hren said...

Denaro is right this piece is sweet. I like the subtle texture changes and your ability to make parts of the painting glow...the ear is really well done. Its even more impressive because I know you are using a traditional medium, thats great that you don't really on the computer to get detail.

Alex Lyon said...

This is looking really great man. The lighting is working really well and the crispness in all the focal points is really grabbing my eye in a good way. Kudos.