Saturday, August 21, 2010


Every once in a while, you gotta draw yourself. Even if it means sitting on a stool in the bathroom because it's the only mirror in the apartment. Yeah, I thickened my beard in the drawing, deal with it. I can dream.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Frazetta Tribute

This is for a juried show in Chicago that I heard about from ArtOrder. The link to the gallery is here. Comments, critiques are welcome. Story is modeled after old adventure movies. REALLY old adventure movies. Pilot goes down in Africa, has to find his way back home, et cetera. This is followed by lots of cheesy acting and a contrived love story with the African Panther Queen. Since Frazetta is the master of epicness, anatomy, and classic compositions, I built my own painting on a pyramid of figures at the height of action. The challenge now will be to paint it in a palette befitting a Frazetta. 30x40

Friday, August 13, 2010

Soon I will post again, with exciting work.

There's a Frazetta tribute afoot... And some other things I need to work on, including cowboy no. 2 nearing completion. Car crashes and moving and all that fun stuff has kinda sidetracked me as late.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Drawn while my girlfriend read a book, she told me to tell you that she doesn't always mean mug like this.