Alright. Enough with the poetry. If'n I have to, I'll make a separate blog devoted to it. Regardless, I need pretty pictures on my blog, not endless words! My starving eyes demand it. I have been hard at work on avoiding the homework apocalypse that is CCAD senior year, but soon, very soon, I will be scanning all my hard work in to share with the world at large.
Also, just recently I have been introduced to the movie Brick. Not only was it an excellent piece of film, it brought surging back all of those warm fuzzy feelings I had for film noir. (Brick is a film noir set in a high school, very cool) So, duly inspired, I decided to begin writing one. First I will read the work of Dashiell Hammett, just to learn the ropes. Then I will be writing a chapter at a time, supplemented with sketches of characters and scenes. Major chapters and events may even get turned into paintings.
This is an exciting project for me (it's dumb as hell to start the wheels turning now, in my senior year, but so what?) and I hope to have plenty of updates soon. Anyone who regularly visits my site, please comment as much as you please, I am VERY open to critique.